When they call me by Your name….


I love complements – please do not get me wrong.

I enjoy hearing honest opinions and comments about me sincerely coming from others – WITHOUT my prompting (lol).

But when I hear remarks that insist I take on responsibility, attitudes, expectations, or credit for the work that You have done, will do, have promised, and are due all consideration and adoration for – then I have a problem.

When they call me by Your name, I become tight somewhere deep inside myself – physically.

I cannot unwrap that feeling easily.

The sound of undue engratiation, and terms that “diefy”, are dangerous for me to accept and I need to re-route that…whatever “that” was.

Coming at me full speed in full barred teeth treacherous blatent bruising disregard for the potential effect on my psyche.

Not to be overly sensitive, or to expect people to “dote” on my little bruised feelings, but when you have been wounded badly

you know how you fall and bruise a knee and have to walk for two weeks limping with a stiff leg as the scab slowly heels….HARDS…inflexible…but necessary so that the injury heals…

When you pick that scab too early, there is usually blood

Even though signs of heeling are obvious. The blood is still just as real to you in those moments.

Imagine, a stranger or worse a “friend”  walking up to you, eyeing the injury, and with dead aim precision, sticking their finger right through the bandage and digging in to that wound.

Not very pleasant!! to say the least…..

But this is the experience of to be had when credit is given to me that does not fit.

I look forward to the correction that follows.

I pray that bad judgement does not overtake us when we seek to be funny, meet, greet, or make a joke!

I always pray that God will do what He said He would in using whomever He chooses to somehow resolve the issues faced daily by us pious folks who refuse to take matters into our own hands

Some are born for this lot in life – its their strength and God can use that!

I am grateful (sometimes impatient!) but grateful for the correction when it goes out.

You see, when errors are made and I am wrongly credited for matters You should be given credit for, my little mood changes completely, and I have to stop what I am doing to pray that the offender gets a closer walk – a much closer walk – with You!

As they come to know your character, your personality, your expectations, hopes, and intentions for us, I think people will become more clear headed about proper attribution and respectfully acknowledge the fact that God is NOT mocked.  He is not kidding about His Word and His FIRST commandment:  Thou Shalt Have NO Other God Before Me.

Scares me when the (very human temptation) to idolize is acted out flippantly without giving a second thought to the impact upon the person or their potential for reconciliation with God….He may need an explanation or clarification….”You do not actually think YOU did all that they are talking about, do you?  You do realize that I know your thoughts afar off, before any word or deed proceeds out from you, I know it altogether?  You do understand that I am your God don’t you?  Don’t let these people get you in trouble with Me….or is that your intention?”

My immediate response is “oh no, please give credit where credit is due!  To GOD be the glory – I had help!  You should come to know my God – He is a WONDER! No, don’t glorify me, invite me to teach again, but understand, this is God’s work – I am just His (obedient) daughter”.

And to God my response is “ohhhhh noooo! Lord, this is Your doing – I know in whom I have trusted….there is no way I deserve credit.  No, I am grateful that You saw fit to use me to honor You and to care for Your people.  But I shall never get it twisted:  all of it as unto YOU, and I pray here, that if I should ever become in any way otherwise minded – please (gently now) make even this made known to me so I can correct myself…..and i will be sure to give You all the due credit and consideration – all the praise and thanks, the glory and adoration….You are worthy!”



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