3 Steps to Create a Success Affirmation

As Maddisen Krown says, “your self concept is your destiny”. The good news is that it is not too late to change your negative self-talk and limiting beliefs!

Also, “we do not have to accept our programming:  we have the power to change our inner dialogue and create our own self concept”.

According to Dr. Maulana Karenga’s Nguzo Saba, or “7 Principals of Kwanzaa”. the principal of Kujichagulia is celebrated the second day of Kwanzaa, encouraging us to reflect upon and define ourselves; name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves. 

How to Develop an Empowering Paradigm — or Personal Success Mantra

Step 1.

  •  list top 3 accomplishments from last year.
  • Explain how you made each of them happen.
  • Write a single statement of the underlying belief/paradigm that allowed you to achieve it.
For example:

What I achieved: I lost 10 pounds and kept it off

How I made it happen: I exercised five times per week and ate fewer sweets

Why I did it: I value my health and my body

My underlying paradigm: I am disciplined to be active and stay fit and appreciate my healthy body


Step 2.

  • List 3 disappointments from last year, what you now know could have done differently.
  • Write your new mental affirmation which is consistent with desired results.
For example:

Disappointment: I didn’t save as much money as I wanted

Why it happened: I made too many impulsive purchases online

My new paradigm: I follow a budget consciously and appreciate my growing savings account

Step 3.

Choose the single most positive, powerful and simple statement from #1 or #2 that will energize and help you focus on the SMARTER goals you’ve set for this year.

State Success Affirmation in present tense as a positive statement.

Bring your affirmation to mind anytime you need to be reminded of your powerful focus and belief in your ability. Like a positive affirmation, your personal success mantra can lift your spirits dramatically the more you repeat it, read it or see it. (They make great inspirational postcards for social media, too!


As Jamelle Sanders points out in this great post, we can’t let our past programming hold us back. We have the power to stop accepting thoughts that limit our potential or hinder us from fulfilling our destiny. So start thinking inspired thoughts and tap into the greatness within you by creating your personal success mantra today!

If you’d like some guidance and help creating your personal success mantra then join me for a free online goal setting and success skills workshop which includes a LIVE Q&A hangout with me.

Dr. Andrea Pennington is a respected mind-body medicine physician, acupuncturist and leading authority on wellness and transformation. She is the past President of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals and a founding member of the Association for Transformational Leaders — Europe.  Dr. Pennington blends personalized integrative medicine with positive psychology to empower you to awaken, transform and thrive as seen in her inspiring TEDx talk.  A sought-after speaker and TV personality with multiple appearances on Oprah and Dr. Oz., she provides wellness and longevity programs and personal brand mentorship around the world.

Visit her online at www.AndreaPennington.com for her free newsletter, downloads and meditations to unlock your potential for healing, harmony and happiness.

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